Painstaking replicas from different times, all from the quaint British past. No, for once we aren’t referring to the motorcycles you see here, but the place itself. Called Beamish Museum, it’s a stunningly charming open-air museum, a window into the evolution of times in England. It has features from the 1820s to the 1950s, complete with real people dressed up in period clothing speaking the tongue of the time. No Jack the Ripper or Sherlock Holmes, though. Only upper lips as stiff as the cobblestone streets. Although there were many old names from the island’s automotive history on display. And as you can imagine, the Classic 650 had no trouble blending in at all.
What’s more, there were old RE twins from history lined up throughout the tiny town, making it all the more difficult to leave the place. Nice place for fish and chips and a pint, too.