Mahindra & Mahindra has launched the Scorpio-N Z8 Select, a premium variant of the Mahindra Scorpio line. Here is what you should know.

Speaking of performance, the SUV retains the tGDi Stallion petrol engine producing a peak power of 200bhp and a peak torque of 38kgm. The mHawk diesel engine produces a peak power of 172bhp and a peak torque of 40kgm, both of which are mated to a six-speed automatic or manual transmission.

The ‘Select’ variant comes with diamond-cut alloy wheels, the Mahindra Scorpio signature LED headlamps, LED sequential turn indicators and other features such as a sunroof found in other variants of the Scorpio line.

The SUV also comes with frequency-dependent damping, multi-turned valve central land technologies and responsive steering. The instrument cluster is a 17 cm TFT cluster and another 20cm infotainment screen featuring Mahindra’s Adreox connect which includes built-in Alexa, wireless Android and Apple CarPlay and other community features.

This SUV will feature 6 airbags as a part of its comprehensive safety suite and a standard electronic stability program. The car will come dressed in a variant exclusive ‘Midnight Black’ colour scheme among other colours already offered.

The ex-showroom prices for the ‘Scorpio-N Z8 Select’ variants are:


The said variants will be available from the 1st of March 2024 in all dealerships.

Here is our review of the Mahindra Scorpio.